Multiple measures to better serve the opening-up


With a good momentum of global trade, China’s export tax rebates amounted to 1.8 trillion yuan in 2023. The State Taxation Administration (STA) took measures in cross-border tax service to better serve the opening-up.

The STA launched "TaxExpress",a brand new service that further facilitate and innovate tax services. Four categories of cross-border taxation guidelines, such as 99 oversea investment taxation guides have been sent out to the targeted investors. Throughout the year of 2023, investment taxation guides and tax incentives guides have been presented to over 130,000 cross-border taxpayers, which widely improve the efficiency of their foreign trade and investment oversea.

Multiple measures were taken to keep foreign trade and investment stable. A tax policy guidelines for foreign trade and investment was revised and released, with 51 explicit tax incentives, to continuously support the opening-up.

Multilateral taxation cooperations was broadly expanded and more influential, as the the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Mechanism (BRITACOM) now has 36 council members, 30 observers, 20 members, and 14 BRITACGE partners.

Source: STA General Office

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